Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lotsa Updates

Ahhh I am sorry for neglecting you, old blog!

I'll have to back up to three weeks ago, I got super numb after PT, couldn't move or talk or anything. Just a really bad episode like I haven't had in some time.

So three day stay, potassium B12 protein was all low, and my iron was low last time we checked it, so on iron and b12 and got potass in the hospital, pills not a drip, and did really well after that third day. the next week after PT i lost feeling in my throat and it was just really weak and I choked and coughed on everything, five days of that I lost 7 lbs, it finally started working again and I'm up a few lbs.

Monday, THREE WHOLE WEEKS after last hospital run, I had another episode. I was in PT but it had been coming for days, and did really well I went in talking and stayed that way, 2 boluses of IVF and was put on oxygen. O's really helped clear my head and with migraine, since I don't have enough blood, and not all that gets up to my brain and heart, saturating it with oxygen can make what little is making it up there more efficient since my heart isn't getting it done.

Doing fine now. Dr. Awesome wants me on a walking program, going up in 5 min incriments, but getting to 10 is like torture so not sure how its going to work but I promised I'id try.

my first dysautie friend is coming here at 1 or 2, yay! :)

OH! and its RND Awareness Month! Wearing Red and Orange all month to support! Let me know if you are doing it too, so many are its really touching! Even though I don't have RND anymore, So many of my friends do. I wear the colors to support what they are going through and what I went through!

NOV 4 was my one year anniversary of being inpatient at CI!!!!

And PTL, remember when insurance kicked me out of CI too early??? and I was just so upset, but God had a reason. I met two girls taht I would NOT have met, and K just led B to Christ, after the two of us were witnessing to her for months. God I understand now,forgive my stressed out self at that time! I am finally able to let that hard day go, and weeks, and months, go. It was worth it!

STay faithful in Him!
love, milly