He's just continuing to bless me!
I have left lumbar scoliosis, but have been having more severe lower back pain than expected. I was going to have an MRI soon to check for cysts on my spinal chords, twisted spinal chords, and or stinosis.
I first noticed some relief on the night of my first healing.
And this week all week I have been noticing less. and less. and less! pain. And it keeps going where I'm not having that awful constant pain. I really realized and recieved it yesterday when I disocovered that I could bend down all the way to my toes-something I haven't been able to do in at least two years!
I was serving overhand with a volleyball and didn't get that horrible pain. Serving that way made me want to cry it hurt so bad, but now it doesn't.
I still have some general pain from my scoliosis but it is much much much less! I was even diving for balls and jumping right back up as opposed to needing a few seconds to let the pain subside then struggle to my feet.
Mornings were also bad, I'd really have to get up slowly as it hurt so much. Now I just get right up!
Praise be to the Lamb, Holy Holy is He.
"Accept the way God does things, for who can straighten what He has made crooked? Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life." Ecclesiastes 7:13,14
This describes everything. I am trusting Him to straighten and untwist my spine if it is His will! for HE alone can make straight what is crooked!
If not, I will pray that He will use it to make me a stronger person. I am just so thankful to have such a drastic reduce in my pain!
In Him,
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